Reiki is a Japanese healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is an energy healing technique that involves using gentle hand movements to guide the flow of healthy energy or life force through the body to reduce stress and clear away any blocks. Reiki is administered by "laying on hands" and has been practiced for thousands of years. The therapist channels external energy into the client with touch to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
Reiki therapists channel external energy, life force, which is a non-physical energy that is in all living things, to help it flow freely in your system by removing blockages or constrictions. If your life energy is low or if there is a restriction in its flow, you will be more vulnerable to illness. When your life force is high and flowing freely, you are less likely to get sick. Craniosacral therapy with acupressure taps into your inner energy within your cerebrospinal fluid, to unwind meridians - releasing tension/stress, relaxing deep muscles/knots that you can't reach with massage, and promoting healing.
A Reiki session is a very calm and relaxed session. The person may feel warm, relaxing sensation where the hands are placed on the body, or in another area. The Reiki energy will flow to where the body needs it to be. As one area may heal, the energy will continue to flow to where it is needed, and it may not be where the symptoms exist. Reiki practitioners use Reiki in different ways, for example some use Reiki in the form of massage, while others use light touch.
While working with my clients, I use light touch in a static position and/or off body.
Off body means that the therapist is not placing their hands directly on your body and there is space/distance between the body and the therapist's hands and body. It is equally as effective, it just depends on what the body needs.
"As her repertoire expanded to include the reiki and accupressure, I felt that she was able to address different and more issues. My healing and releasing kept getting faster and faster. My lifestyle, however, required me to go regularly for maintenance, providing weekly relief but also so that she could address more issues."
Bonnie S.